Hello, I am Kenny Pflug

Since 2009, I've been working with Microsoft's .NET technology stack. I focus on the architecture and design of distributed systems implemented with ASP.NET Core that can run in the Cloud and On-Premise, as well as .NET internals like Memory Management / Garbage Collection, threading, asynchronous programming, and performance. I'm looking forward to helping you with your software projects.

You can reach me via kenny.pflug@thinktecture.com. You can also follow me on Twitter via @feO2x.

Blog-Posts by Kenny

The latest insights straight from our Research Lab.

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Articles written by Kenny

.NET 8 brings Native AOT to ASP.NET Core, but many frameworks and libraries rely on unbound reflection internally and thus cannot support this scenario yet. This is true for ORMs, too: EF Core and Dapper will only bring full support for Native AOT in later releases. In this post, we will implement a database access layer with Sessions using the Humble Object pattern to get a similar developer experience. We will use Npgsql as a plain ADO.NET provider targeting PostgreSQL.
Originally introduced in .NET 7, Native AOT can be used with ASP.NET Core in the upcoming .NET 8 release. In this post, we look at the benefits and drawbacks from a general perspective and perform measurements to quantify the improvements on different platforms.
.NET 8 introduces a new Garbage Collector feature called DATAS for Server GC mode - let's make some benchmarks and check how it fits into the big picture.

Content Downloads by Kenny

We have summarized our knowledge in our specialist areas in Cheat Sheets, Whitepapers, and Ebooks for you.

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Webinar Dates & Recordings by Kenny

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Upcoming Contributions by Kenny

Find future conference dates here.

Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
BASTA! Herbst 2024  | 
16.09.2024   -  
20.09.2024 @  
Mainz (
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
BASTA! Herbst 2024  | 
16.09.2024   -  
20.09.2024 @  
Mainz (

Past Contribtuions by Kenny

Find past conference dates here.

Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
DWX 2024  | 
01.07.2024   -  
05.07.2024 @  
Nürnberg (
Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
DWX 2024  | 
01.07.2024   -  
05.07.2024 @  
Nürnberg (
Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
Advanced Developers Conference 2024  | 
06.05.2024   -  
08.05.2024 @  
Regensburg (
Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
Advanced Developers Conference 2024  | 
06.05.2024   -  
08.05.2024 @  
Regensburg (
Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
Digital Craftsmanship Nordoberpfalz Meetup Februar 2024  | 
27.02.2024   -  
27.02.2024 @  
Online Meeting (
ASP.NET Core, .NET Core, async-await
Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
BASTA! Spring 2024  | 
12.02.2024   -  
16.02.2024 @  
Frankfurt (
Azure, AI, Generative AI, Network, Security
Talk (Deutsch) | Kenny Pflug
BASTA! Spring 2024  | 
12.02.2024   -  
16.02.2024 @  
Frankfurt (
Azure, Cloud-Native, Kubernetes
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team & Kenny Pflug
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
Azure, Cloud-Native
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team & Kenny Pflug
Developer Week '23  | 
26.06.2023   -  
30.06.2023 @  
Nürnberg (
Azure, Cloud-Native, Kubernetes
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team & Kenny Pflug
.NET Day Franken 2023  | 
28.04.2023   -  
29.04.2023 @  
Nürnberg (

Acknowledgements & Publications