Our webinars for you

In our bi-weekly, interactive, and free live webinars by our experts, there is always one focus topic. After the content presentation, our colleagues will answer your questions that arose in the webinar directly. Regardless of whether Blazor, Angular, RxJS, .NET, Web Components, PWA or Entity Framework : you will find all webinar dates and recordings here.

Upcoming webinars: register now for free

There are currently no english webinars scheduled.

Upcoming webinars in German language

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Webinar Recordings in German language

Our Expert One-on-Ones

As a follow-up to our webinars, we offer the opportunity to book a slot with the respective expert on a specific day free of charge in order to discuss your specific questions on a topic with you.

Current dates

There are currently no english Expert-One-on-Ones planned.