Workshop 8h | 
API & Microservices Summit Fall 2019
 | 19.06.2019

Azure in Action: Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

IDE öffnen, „File – New Project – Cloud“, OK klicken und fertig. Oder? Nun, nicht ganz. Denn egal ob AWS, GCP oder eben Azure: am Ende des Tages werden Sie sich fragen, warum, wann und wie gehe ich in die Cloud? Genau diese Fragestellungen wollen Thorsten Hans und Christian Weyer für Java-, node.js- und .NET-Entwickler in diesem Workshop beantworten. Anhand diverser Use Cases werden mögliche Wege mit, über und in Azure diskutiert. Was bedeuten Architekturansätze wie Cloud-Native Microservices und Serverless Microservices? Wie gehe ich bei Brownfield-Projekten vor und wie kann ich Greenfield-Lösungen effizient in Azure realisieren? Wo liegen Unterschiede und Benefits von datengetriebenen und von ereignisgetriebenen Ansätzen? Wie kann ich mit dem Sammelsurium an Patterns, Technologien und Tools in Azure kosteneffektiv hantieren und dennoch flexibel sein? All dies werden wir anhand praktischer Beispiele und pragmatischer Lösungen in interaktiver Art und Weise adressieren. Sehen Sie PaaS, Web Apps, Containers, Orchestrators, Serverless, Functions & Co. mit der Azure-Cloud anhand von .NET-Demos in Action.

Christian Weyer ist Mitbegründer und CTO von Thinktecture. Er ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren als technischer Berater in der Softwarebranche aktiv.


API & Microservices Summit Fall 2019
- 11.12.19 
@ Berlin


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Weitere Artikel zu .NET Core, AKS, Azure, Microservices, Serverless

Database Access with Sessions

Data Access in .NET Native AOT with Sessions

.NET 8 brings Native AOT to ASP.NET Core, but many frameworks and libraries rely on unbound reflection internally and thus cannot support this scenario yet. This is true for ORMs, too: EF Core and Dapper will only bring full support for Native AOT in later releases. In this post, we will implement a database access layer with Sessions using the Humble Object pattern to get a similar developer experience. We will use Npgsql as a plain ADO.NET provider targeting PostgreSQL.
Old computer with native code

Native AOT with ASP.NET Core – Overview

Originally introduced in .NET 7, Native AOT can be used with ASP.NET Core in the upcoming .NET 8 release. In this post, we look at the benefits and drawbacks from a general perspective and perform measurements to quantify the improvements on different platforms.

Optimize ASP.NET Core memory with DATAS

.NET 8 introduces a new Garbage Collector feature called DATAS for Server GC mode - let's make some benchmarks and check how it fits into the big picture.

Incremental Roslyn Source Generators: High-Level API – ForAttributeWithMetadataName – Part 8

With the version 4.3.1 of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.* Roslyn provides a new high-level API - the method "ForAttributeWithMetadataName". Although it is just 1 method, still, it addresses one of the biggest performance issue with Source Generators.

.NET 7 Performance: Regular Expressions – Part 2

There is this popular quote by Jamie Zawinski: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems."

In this second article of our short performance series, we want to look at the latter one of those problems.

.NET 7 Performance: Introduction and Runtime Optimizations – Part 1

.NET 7 is fast. Superfast. All the teams at Microsoft working on .NET are keen to improve the performance and do so every year with each new .NET release. Though this time the achievements are really impressive. In this series of short articles, we want to explore some of the most significant performance updates in .NET and look at how that may affect our own projects. This first article is taking a deep look under the hood of the compiler and the runtime to look for some remarkably interesting and significant updates.

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