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Wir stecken viel Zeit in Research, um stets auf dem neusten Stand zu bleiben –oder besser noch einen Schritt voraus. Erfahrungen, Tipps und Neuigkeiten finden Sie in den Artikeln unserer Experten.

View Transition API Integration in Angular—a brave new world (Part 1)
If you previously wanted to integrate view transitions into your Angular application, this was only possible in a very cumbersome way that needed a lot of detailed knowledge about Angular internals. Now, Angular 17 introduced a feature to integrate the View Transition API with the router. In this two-part series, we will look at how to leverage the feature for route transitions and how we could use it for single-page animations.

AI-Funktionen zu Angular-Apps hinzufügen: lokal und offlinefähig
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist spätestens seit der Veröffentlichung von ChatGPT in aller Munde. Wit WebLLM können Sie einen KI-Chatbot in Ihre eigenen Angular-Anwendungen integrieren. Wie das funktioniert und welche Vor- und Nachteile WebLLM hat, lesen Sie hier.

Data Access in .NET Native AOT with Sessions
.NET 8 brings Native AOT to ASP.NET Core, but many frameworks and libraries rely on unbound reflection internally and thus cannot support this scenario yet. This is true for ORMs, too: EF Core and Dapper will only bring full support for Native AOT in later releases. In this post, we will implement a database access layer with Sessions using the Humble Object pattern to get a similar developer experience. We will use Npgsql as a plain ADO.NET provider targeting PostgreSQL.

Native AOT with ASP.NET Core – Overview
Originally introduced in .NET 7, Native AOT can be used with ASP.NET Core in the upcoming .NET 8 release. In this post, we look at the benefits and drawbacks from a general perspective and perform measurements to quantify the improvements on different platforms.

Konfiguration von Lazy Loaded Angular Modulen
Die Konfigurierbarkeit unserer Angular-Module ist für den Aufbau einer wiederverwendbaren Architektur unerlässlich. Aber in der jüngsten Vergangenheit hat uns Angular seine neue modullose Zukunft präsentiert. Wie sieht das Ganze jetzt aus? Wie konfigurieren wir jetzt unsere Lazy-Komponenten? Lasst uns gemeinsam einen Blick darauf werfen.

Incremental Roslyn Source Generators: High-Level API – ForAttributeWithMetadataName – Part 8
With the version 4.3.1 of Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.* Roslyn provides a new high-level API - the method "ForAttributeWithMetadataName". Although it is just 1 method, still, it addresses one of the biggest performance issue with Source Generators.

Integrating AI Power into Your .NET Applications with the Semantic Kernel Toolkit – an Early View
With the rise of powerful AI models and services, questions come up on how to integrate those into our applications and make reasonable use of them. While other languages like Python already have popular and feature-rich libraries like LangChain, we are missing these in .NET and C#. But there is a new kid on the block that might change this situation. Welcome Semantic Kernel by Microsoft!

.NET 7 Performance: Regular Expressions – Part 2
There is this popular quote by Jamie Zawinski: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems."
In this second article of our short performance series, we want to look at the latter one of those problems.
In this second article of our short performance series, we want to look at the latter one of those problems.
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