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Kategorie: Angular


View Transition API Integration in Angular—a brave new world (Part 1)

If you previously wanted to integrate view transitions into your Angular application, this was only possible in a very cumbersome way that needed a lot of detailed knowledge about Angular internals. Now, Angular 17 introduced a feature to integrate the View Transition API with the router. In this two-part series, we will look at how to leverage the feature for route transitions and how we could use it for single-page animations.

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Konfiguration von Lazy Loaded Angular Modulen

Die Konfigurierbarkeit unserer Angular-Module ist für den Aufbau einer wiederverwendbaren Architektur unerlässlich. Aber in der jüngsten Vergangenheit hat uns Angular seine neue modullose Zukunft präsentiert. Wie sieht das Ganze jetzt aus? Wie konfigurieren wir jetzt unsere Lazy-Komponenten? Lasst uns gemeinsam einen Blick darauf werfen.

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Implementing Smart and Presentational Components with Angular: Condensed Angular Experiences – Part 4

In this article, we will explore how to apply the concept of smart and presentational components with Angular. We will choose a complex-enough target to see all aspects in action, yet understandable and within the scope of this article. The goal is to teach you how to use this architecture in your way. For that, we will iterate through different development stages, starting with the target selection and implementing it in a naive way. After the first development, we will refactor that naive solution into smart and presentational components that are reusable, refactor-friendly, and testable.

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Angular OnPush – A Change Detection Strategy Revealing Mistakes in Your Code

When optimizing the performance of Angular applications, many developers directly associate Angular’s OnPush change detection strategy with it. But, if you don’t know exactly how OnPush works under the hood, it will quickly teach you what you are doing wrong the hard way.
In this article, we’ll look deeper into how the OnPush strategy affects Angular’s change detection mechanism and which pitfalls we should avoid at all costs.

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[Outdated]Configuring Lazy Loaded Angular Modules

Making our Angular modules configurable is an important step in building a reusable architecture. Having used Angular for a while you might be familiar with the commonly used forRoot() and forChild() functions, that some modules provide you with.
But what is the best way to provide configuration in these cases?

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Master Web Component Forms Integration – with Lit and Angular

When a company has cross-framework teams, it is a good choice to use Web Components to build a unified and framework-independent component library.
However, some pitfalls are to consider when integrating these components into web forms.
Therefore, for a better understanding, we will look at two possible approaches and try to integrate them into an Angular form as an example.

Notice: All code samples are available on Github!

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