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Kategorie: Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework

Entity Framework Core 7: N+1 Queries Problem

The N+1 queries problem has been our constant companion since day one of Entity Framework (Core). Entity Framework Core 2 (EF 2) introduced a new feature that caused the “N+1 queries problem” more often and was more difficult to detect, so it was removed in the following version. After a little back and forth, let’s see how Entity Framework Core 7 (EF 7) handles this issue and why it will likely remain in the future.

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Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework Core: Default Comparer For Byte Arrays May Waste Lots Of Memory And CPU

The default implementation of Entity Framework Core prefers to play it safe (for good reasons) when working with byte arrays. This ‘safety’ is – in some use cases – unnecessary and costs us a lot of memory and CPU. In this article, we will see that doing less is sufficient for the given property thanks to one of the most overlooked features of Entity Framework.

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Entity Framework Core 5 Performance: Power Of Table Hints

A few months ago, I had to implement a Web API for a relatively simple use case, but there was a challenge. The web endpoint must read and update a specific record using Entity Framework Core 5 and be capable of handling thousands of requests per second. Another requirement was the *data integrity*, so a transaction was a must.

With high concurrency and Microsoft SQL Server as the database, we can end up in a deadlock if the SQL Server locks the records or rather the pages in an *unfavorable* way. Let’s see how *table hints* can help us.

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Better Entity Framework Core Performance By Reading Execution Plans

Both a LINQ query and an SQL statement are descriptions that state which data should be fetched, but not how.. Sure, when reading LINQ or SQL, we can make assumptions about the performance but not in every case. Some queries are either too fancy or too big to grasp, so our predictions may be way too vague if we can make any at all.

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