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Blog-Posts by Thinktecture

The latest insights straight from our Research Lab.

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Articles written by Thinktecture

With the rise of powerful AI models and services, questions come up on how to integrate those into our applications and make reasonable use of them. While other languages like Python already have popular and feature-rich libraries like LangChain, we are missing these in .NET and C#. But there is a new kid on the block that might change this situation. Welcome Semantic Kernel by Microsoft!
If you are working with Blazor, gRPC is a big issue for transferring data from APIs to clients. One issue of developing with gRPC-Web is debugging the transmitted data because the data is in an efficient binary message format. In this article, I will show you how to solve this problem with the help of my NuGet.
Cloud Native
In the last part of the article series on the 4C's of cloud-native security, we will look at securing the cloud environment itself. Although actual steps to harden your cloud infrastructure differ based on the cloud vendor and the services used to architecture your cloud-native application, many concepts and methodologies are quite similar.
Rumor has it, this is the dream of many .NET developers: Using SQLite and EF Core in the browser with Blazor WebAssembly. Is this possible? In this article, we will have a look how you can manage your offline data with the help of SQLite and EF Core by persisting the data with standard browser features and APIs.

Content Downloads by Thinktecture

We have summarized our knowledge in our specialist areas in Cheat Sheets, Whitepapers, and Ebooks for you.

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Upcoming Contributions by Thinktecture

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Past Contribtuions by Thinktecture

Find past conference dates here.

(Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team
IT-Tage 2023  | 
11.12.2023   -  
14.12.2023 @  
Frankfurt (
Blazor, PWA, Project Fugu
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Christian Liebel & Thinktecture Team
.NET Developer Conference ’23  | 
27.11.2023   -  
01.12.2023 @  
Köln (
Angular, PWA, Project Fugu
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Christian Liebel & Thinktecture Team
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
ASP.NET Core, Cloud-Native, Kubernetes, .NET
Talk (Deutsch) | Christian Weyer & Thinktecture Team
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
Cloud-Native, WebAssembly, Fermyon Spin
Talk (Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
WebAssembly, Generative AI, Fermyon Spin
Talk (Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET Core, WebAssembly
Talk (Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET Core, PWA
Talk (Deutsch) | Sebastian Gingter & Thinktecture Team
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
ASP.NET Core, Blazor, WebAssembly
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Sebastian Gingter & Thinktecture Team
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (
Azure, Cloud-Native, Kubernetes
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Thinktecture Team & Kenny Pflug
BASTA! Herbst 2023  | 
25.09.2023   -  
29.09.2023 @  
Mainz (

Acknowledgements & Publications