February 18, 2021 |
- 10:30 AM (CET)
- Yannick Baron
Webinar: RxJS from the Ground Up: Introduction to Reactive JavaScript
RxJS is a very powerful tool and has been established in Angular as its central way of communication between components and services. If you are not entirely comfortable yet using RxJS in all of its glory, then this webinar is for you.
In his webinar on February 18th 2021, Yannick presented the basic concepts and ideas behind all of RxJS's moving parts to make sure you can wield this mighty tool more confidently.
Yannick Baron is architecture consultant at Thinktecture and focuses on Angular and RxJS.
Gøran Homberg
Gøran Homberg is Consultant at Thinktecture and works with our clients on requirements engineering, project definition, and project management.
- Why streams?
- Asynchronicity and the observer pattern
- Working with RxJS
- Unsubscribing and completion
- Resources to help yourself
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