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Category: Entity Framework Core


Entity Framework Core – Isolation Of Integration Tests

When working with Entity Framework Core (EF) a lot of code can be tested using the In-Memory database provider but sometimes you want (or have) to go to the real database. For example, you are using not just LINQ but custom SQL statements due to performance reasons or you want to check that a specific exception is thrown by the database under some conditions like when having a primary key violation.

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Entity Framework Core – Inheritance – Table-Per-Type (TPT) Is Not Supported, Is It? (Part 2 – Database First)

In the previous post we have created 2 Entity Framework Core (EF Core) models with a code first approach. One model was using the Table-per-Hierarchy (TPH) pattern and the other one Table-per-Type (TPT). In this post we want to approach a more common scenario we see in customer projects: we are using the database first approach now.

All demos are on Github.

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Entity Framework Core – Inheritance – Table-Per-Type (TPT) Is Not Supported, Is It? (Part 1 – Code First)

With O/R mappers there are a few patterns how a class hierarchy can be mapped to a relational database. The most popular ones are the Table-Per-Hierarchy (TPH) and the Table-Per-Type (TPT) patterns. The Entity Framework Core 2.x (EF Core) officially supports the Table-per-Hierarchy pattern only. The support of Table-per-Type is in the backlog of the Entity Framework team, i.e. it is not (officially) supported yet. Nevertheless, you can use TPT with the current version of EF Core. The usability is not ideal but acceptable. Especially, if you have an existing database using TPT then this short blog post series may give you an idea how to migrate to EF Core.

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Entity Framework Core Performance – Beware Of N+1 Queries

After working with Entity Framework 6 (EF 6) for several years, a software developer can predict the SQL statements being generated by EF just by looking at the LINQ queries. With Entity Framework Core (EF Core) the SQL statement generation has changed – in some cases for the better, in others for the worse.

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