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Category: Entity Framework Core


Entity Framework Core 3.0 – “Hidden” GROUP BY Capabilities (Part 2)

In the previous blog post we used a navigational property to work around the limitations of the extension method GroupBy. The problem is, there is not always such a property we can use for grouping. Especially, when following domain driven design practices, a bidirectional navigation is undesirable to not to pollute the domain model (too much). Besides not introducing a navigational property intentionally there might be use cases when we have to group data by property such as the name of a record. In this case there simply cannot be a navigational property.

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Entity Framework Core – Improved Value Conversion Support

Entity Framework Core (EF) 2.1 introduced a new feature called Value Conversion. Now, we are able to map custom .NET types to a type the database understands and vice versa. This long-awaited feature is especially popular among software engineers following the domain driven design (DDD) patterns.

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Entity Framework Core – Custom Functions (Using HasDbFunction)

In the previous post (Custom Functions – using IMethodCallTranslator) we looked at the more flexible approach that requires some boilerplate code. For the usage of a custom function in a project, especially if there are no plans to make the function public then the sacrifice of some (not required) flexibility to reduce the amount of code is fully acceptable.

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