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Category: ASP.NET Core


Blazor Components Deep Dive – Lifecycle Is Not Always Straightforward

When starting with new frameworks that have a lifecycle for their artifacts like components, then you may assume that the lifecycle is strictly linear. In other words, step A comes before step B comes before step C, and so on. Usually, this is the case until it is not. The lifecycle of the Blazor components is not an exception in this matter.

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Re-Using Angular components in a Blazor WebAssembly application using Angular Elements – Web Components custom elements, FTW!

Microsoft’s Blazor WebAssembly toolkit is one of the new kids on the block in WebAssembly land. For many developers WebAssembly (or WASM) is the origin for a new revolution in the web. We can finally(?) use other languages and frameworks than JavaScript to run applications in a standards-based way in a cross-platform fashion on all browsers, on any devices (please refer to the current support of WebAssembly in your browser).

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How To Correctly Delete Your SameSite Cookies In Chrome (80+)

In my last article I explained how the changes in Chrome 80 (February 2020) can break your existing web sites or web applications, because SameSite cookies will be treated differently. In that post I focused on how to correctly set your cookies and how to mitigate incompatibilities between different browsers, as certain Safari versions don’t work correctly with the new way that Chrome enforces.

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ASP.NET Core – Beware – Singleton May Not Be Singleton

If you register a type as a singleton then you expect just 1 instance of this type in your whole application. What you may not know is that ASP.NET Core is creating 2 instances of IServiceProvider during building of the IWebHost that may lead to 2 instance of your “singleton”.

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