Workshop 4h |
JavaScript Days 2021
| 06.10.2021
Web-Apps schneller entwickeln mit Ionic (Hands on workshop)
Anforderungen soll die App installierbar, performant und einfach zu warten sein – und die Entwicklungszeit ist kosteneffektiv knapp bestimmt. Genau diese und andere Herausforderungen versucht Ionic als Opinionated-Framework zu adressieren.
In diesem Workshop zeigt Max Schulte, was mit Ionic und Angular möglich ist und wie Ionic dank seiner Tools, "Production Ready"-Komponenten und APIs das Entwicklerleben für gewisse Anwendungsszenarien erleichtern kann. Als Teilnehmer werden sie selbst Kernkomponenten umsetzten und Anpassungen vornehmen.
Max Marschall ist Consultant bei Thinktecture mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Angular und 2D/3D Visualisierung.
JavaScript Days 2021
- 06.10.21
@ Berlin

Links & Materialien
Weitere Artikel zu Capacitor, Ionic

Ionic Routing And Router Animations In Angular
Angular and its router are powerful tools to create single-page applications (SPAs). However, there are some critical differences in the context of an Ionic Framework application. Ionic Framework (short Ionic) comes with many new components and features, such as its router and animation system. Ionic's router enables us to write routing animations and page transitions in a simple manner. It even applies them to lazy loaded modules and pages – especially the last part is a more complex task in a standard Angular application.

From an Angular Web App to a Hybrid App with Capacitor and Ionic Framework
Creating mobile and desktop applications is a complicated task. Different operating systems require us to have in-depth knowledge of multiple platforms. The web solves most of the problems for us by providing a single platform that runs everywhere - supported by different operating systems and browser vendors. Frameworks like Angular bring the power to write business applications for the web and make a once written application available to everyone.

Speed Up Your Angular PWA Development With Ionic’s Capacitor
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are one of the most promising new technologies for the web. They enable web apps to be used similar to native apps: they can be installed on the home screen and, with some additional work, also run offline. Apart from that, you also need access to platform features like notifications, the clipboard, or camera.