Talk | 
.NET Usergroup Bern
 | 13.12.2023

Large Language Models, Data and APIs: Integrating Generative AI Power into your solutions – with Python and .NET

Let's look beyond the ChatGPT hype! In this session, Christian delves into the world of Large Language Models (LLMs), data, and APIs, focusing on how you can meaningfully integrate AI functionality into your applications. We will explore pragmatic scenarios and use cases that demonstrate the potential of LLMs (such as GPT or Llama) and discuss how AI techniques can be incorporated into existing architectures. Participants will gain initial insights into LangChain as a Python toolkit and Semantic Kernel as a .NET-based SDK. Additionally, we will address the consideration of not only using closed-source systems (like OpenAI) but also taking open-source options into account to meet diverse requirements. Come in and find out!

Christian Weyer ist Mitbegründer und CTO von Thinktecture. Er ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren als technischer Berater in der Softwarebranche aktiv.


.NET Usergroup Bern
- 13.12.23 
@ Bern

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Weitere Artikel zu Generative AI, LangChain, LLM, Mistral, OpenAI, Semantic Kernel


Integrating AI Power into Your .NET Applications with the Semantic Kernel Toolkit – an Early View

With the rise of powerful AI models and services, questions come up on how to integrate those into our applications and make reasonable use of them. While other languages like Python already have popular and feature-rich libraries like LangChain, we are missing these in .NET and C#. But there is a new kid on the block that might change this situation. Welcome Semantic Kernel by Microsoft!

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