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Kategorie: Tools


Git Fixup: Wie repariere ich meine Historie?

Git gibt uns mit der fixup-Option eine einfache aber effektive Möglichkeit, kleine Versäumnisse nachträglich so zu korrigieren, dass sie gar nicht mehr auffallen. Wie das genau geht, wollen wir in diesem Artikel erforschen.

Mein Kollege Yannick Baron hat in seiner englischen Artikelserie zu Git bereits den interactive Rebase behandelt. Dort hat er auch die Möglichkeiten des fixup kurz angesprochen. Hier wollen wir uns etwas intensiver mit diesem Feature befassen.

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Interactive Rebase: Git In Practice – Part 2

Once you are comfortable with rebase, it is time to step up your game with interactive rebase. As introduced in the previous article, rebasing involves taking multiple commits and applying them to a base tip.
In an interactive rebase, we have a lot more control over what we want to do with the affected commits. Some of the options include re-ordering the commits, rewording a commit message, dropping commits, merging several commits into a single one, and editing a past commit.

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Code Quality: Automate Linting, Formatting And More By Sharing Git Hooks

There he is. Bob. The new guy in the office. Time to on-board him onto the flagship project of the company. Sounds like a job for Kevin. Kevin helps out Bob to get setup. Providing him with the appropriate access rights, cloning the repository, and making sure Bob’s seat is nice and comfy. After Bob has the project up and running, it is his time to shine and work on the first ticket. He fires up his IDE, touches a couple of files, resolves the issues, commits, pushes, and opens up a merge request for Kevin to review.

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Demystifying Git Rebase: Git in Practice – Part 1

Working with git every day as our software of choice for version control, I always try to point out that familiarity with our toolset is important. The more comfortable you are with git, the easier it will be to integrate changes and follow their history.

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Introduction: Mocking And Manipulating API Behavior With A Local Proxy Server – Part 1

When it comes to developing against an HTTPS/REST API, which we do not control ourselves, we face many problems regularly. Issues and hard to provoke edge cases may include a wrong implementation, an incomplete implementation or connection problems (dial-in issues, dropping connections), for example to a client’s VPN.

Even though all those issues sound very different, they have one thing in common: the application does not receive the desired HTTPS responses. So, we are looking for ways to make us independent from the HTTPS API at development time. Wouldn’t it be nice, if there was a single tool to rule them all?

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