Hello, I am Ingo Rammer

I'm CEO and one of the co-founders of Thinktecture.

About twenty years ago, I've asked myself what it takes to become a really excellent software developer. At that time, I was convinced that I'd needed to decide: I could either focus on one particular line of business and learn as much as possible about it. Or focus 100% on technology.

Today, everyone at Thinktecture has chosen Software Development as the particular domain they want to spend their time learning about - and sharing their experience with our clients, in articles and at conference talks.

We help our clients' software-development teams get to their goals quicker, more predictable and, especially, while avoiding pitfalls which require real experience with the particular chosen technology. It always feels like magic happens whenever we can combine the deep domain-knowledge of the software-developers and architects of our clients with our own focus on specific software development technologies and approaches.

Blog-Posts by Ingo

The latest insights straight from our Research Lab.

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Content Downloads by Ingo

We have summarized our knowledge in our specialist areas in Cheat Sheets, Whitepapers, and Ebooks for you.

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Webinar Dates & Recordings by Ingo

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Upcoming Contributions by Ingo

Find future conference dates here.

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Past Contribtuions by Ingo

Find past conference dates here.

Talk (Deutsch) | Ingo Rammer
BASTA! Herbst 2019  | 
23.09.2019   -  
27.09.2019 @  
Mainz (
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Ingo Rammer
BASTA! Spring 2019  | 
25.02.2019   -  
01.03.2019 @  
Frankfurt (
Talk (Deutsch) | Ingo Rammer
BASTA! Spring 2019  | 
25.02.2019   -  
01.03.2019 @  
Frankfurt (
Talk (Deutsch) | Ingo Rammer
BASTA! Spring 2019  | 
25.02.2019   -  
01.03.2019 @  
Frankfurt (

Acknowledgements & Publications