Talk | 
SDD Conf 2022
 | 17.05.2022

gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly: A match made in heaven?

With Blazor WebAssembly, developers can write C# code for SPAs in the browser and share code with the server-side of their applications. Usually, you design and use JSON-based Web APIs to communicate between the client and the server logic. In this session, Christian Weyer demonstrates how to employ gRPC & gRPC-Web in a code-first manner to share .NET interface contracts in a strongly-typed way. With this approach, no code generation is needed, you get the same syntax and full IntelliSense on both sides. In fact, you gain the good parts we already had many years ago with WCF – now for the ubiquitous & open web. But: is really everything gold that glitters?

Christian Weyer
Christian Weyer is co-founder and CTO of Thinktecture. He’s been creating software for more than two decades.


SDD Conf 2022
- 20.05.22 
@ London
SDD Conf 2022

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There are a lot of things going on in the background, when a Blazor WebAssembly application is being started. In some cases you might want to take a bit more control over that process. One example might be the wish to display a loading screen for applications that take some time for initial preparation, or when users are on a slow internet connection. However, in order to control something, we need to understand what is happening first. This article takes you down the rabbit hole of how a Blazor WASM application starts up.
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Whether you're a seasoned Blazor developer or just getting started, this article will help you add superpowers to your Blazor WebAssembly app.
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Rumor has it, this is the dream of many .NET developers: Using SQLite and EF Core in the browser with Blazor WebAssembly. Is this possible? In this article, we will have a look how you can manage your offline data with the help of SQLite and EF Core by persisting the data with standard browser features and APIs.

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