Hello, I am Max Marschall

I am a developer with a passion for 3D content, the web, and everything in between.

Since being a tutor for the courses 101 - Technical Computer Science and 3D Game Development, I love sharing my learnings and passions with others. Here at Thinktecture, I found a place where I get the best possibilities to transfer my experience and knowledge to you.

My technical expertise spans from backend development with Python and JavaEE to frontend development with modern Frameworks like Angular. Specialized in Angular, BabylonJS, and developer productivity, I help other developers to make the best out of their possibilities.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out and contact me at max.marschall@thinktecture.com or MaxOSchulte on Twitter.

Blog-Posts by Max

The latest insights straight from our Research Lab.

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Articles written by Max

In this article, we will explore how to apply the concept of smart and presentational components with Angular. We will choose a complex-enough target to see all aspects in action, yet understandable and within the scope of this article. The goal is to teach you how to use this architecture in your way. For that, we will iterate through different development stages, starting with the target selection and implementing it in a naive way. After the first development, we will refactor that naive solution into smart and presentational components that are reusable, refactor-friendly, and testable.
Modern web technologies enable us to write huge business applications that are performant and easy to use. But with time comes complexity to our projects naturally. That added complexity sums up and makes further app development slow and cumbersome. This article discusses how a simple architectural concept can make every app more maintainable, faster to develop, and extendable in the long run.
Every now and then, we think about optimizing and tuning the performance of our applications. In terms of Angular, one of the first strategies that come to our minds is the OnPush change detection. But how does it work, and is it worth putting effort into using it? For what use-cases does it make a difference? This article explores precisely that and tries to answer those questions.
This is the first article of the mini-series 'Condensed Angular Experiences'. We will explore concepts in Angular that seem simple but are very powerful and critical for the application architecture.

Content Downloads by Max

We have summarized our knowledge in our specialist areas in Cheat Sheets, Whitepapers, and Ebooks for you.

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Webinar Dates & Recordings by Max

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Upcoming Contributions by Max

Find future conference dates here.

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Past Contribtuions by Max

Find past conference dates here.

Angular, Web Development, Web Technologies, Generative AI, LLM
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024  | 
17.07.2024   -  
19.07.2024 @  
Berlin (
Angular, Web Apps, Generative AI
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Magdeburger Developer Days 2024  | 
13.05.2024   -  
15.05.2024 @  
Magdeburg (
Angular, Generative AI
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
International JavaScript Conference London 2024  | 
08.04.2024   -  
11.04.2024 @  
London (
Workshop 4h (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Angular Days Frühjahr 2024  | 
18.03.2024   -  
21.03.2024 @  
München (
Capacitor, Cross-Platform, Hybrid-Apps, TypeScript
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Developer Week '23  | 
26.06.2023   -  
30.06.2023 @  
Nürnberg (
Capacitor, Cross-Platform, Hybrid-Apps
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
enterJS 2023  | 
20.06.2023   -  
22.06.2023 @  
Darmstadt (
Angular, TypeScript
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Magdeburger Developer Days 2023  | 
08.05.2023   -  
10.05.2023 @  
Magdeburg (
Angular, BabylonJS
Workshop 4h (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
Angular Days Frühjahr 2023  | 
20.03.2023   -  
23.03.2023 @  
München (
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
c't webdev 2022  | 
07.11.2022   -  
09.11.2022 @  
Köln (
Talk (Deutsch) | Max Marschall
c't webdev 2022  | 
07.11.2022   -  
09.11.2022 @  
Köln (

Acknowledgements & Publications