Hello, I am Gøran Homberg

With the first boot of my Commodore C 64 in the late '80s, I immediately felt at home in the digital world. Since then, I've been working in various IT fields such as system integration, software development, and most recently as a Lead Developer. With growing experience, it became increasingly clear that for high-quality results in software projects, it's essential to understand both worlds: the technological as well as the business-oriented one. To connect these, I've been focusing on consulting topics in this area for several years.

At Thinktecture, I advise and work with a wide range of software teams from different industries, helping them avoid pitfalls, master difficult challenges, and continue to grow.

You can reach me directly via email, X, LinkedIn, or phone. Alternatively, you can also book a meeting appointment with me. Simply choose a suitable time slot through my online calendar.

Blog-Posts by Gøran

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We have summarized our knowledge in our specialist areas in Cheat Sheets, Whitepapers, and Ebooks for you.

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Acknowledgements & Publications