Hello, I am Sascha Lehmann

From the moment I got my first PC, it was immediately clear to me in which direction I would go in the future. Driven by curiosity, I wanted to know how all these programs work and how they are built. But most of all - I wanted to learn how to write them myself.

Over the years, I turned this hobby into my profession, and my path led me through desktop and backend development to my passion, web development.

I love sharing this passion and my knowledge of web-based frontends, Angular, and Web Components with others. At Thinktecture, I have exactly this opportunity as a Developer Consultant, helping our clients achieve the best possible results daily.

Blog-Posts by Sascha

The latest insights straight from our Research Lab.

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Articles written by Sascha

If you previously wanted to integrate view transitions into your Angular application, this was only possible in a very cumbersome way that needed a lot of detailed knowledge about Angular internals. Now, Angular 17 introduced a feature to integrate the View Transition API with the router. In this two-part series, we will look at how to leverage the feature for route transitions and how we could use it for single-page animations.
Making our Angular modules configurable is essential in building a reusable architecture. But in the recent past, Angular presented us with its new moduleless future. How does it look now? How can we configure lazy-loaded components? Let's have a look at how we provide our configurations directly.
When optimizing the performance of Angular applications, many developers directly associate Angular's OnPush change detection strategy with it. But, if you don't know exactly how OnPush works under the hood, it will quickly teach you what you are doing wrong the hard way. In this article, we'll look deeper into how the OnPush strategy affects Angular's change detection mechanism and which pitfalls we should avoid at all costs.
Web Components
When a company has cross-framework teams, it is a good choice to use Web Components to build a unified and framework-independent component library. However, some pitfalls are to consider when integrating these components into web forms. Therefore, for a better understanding, we will look at two possible approaches and try to integrate them into an Angular form as an example.

Notice: All code samples are available on Github!

Content Downloads by Sascha

We have summarized our knowledge in our specialist areas in Cheat Sheets, Whitepapers, and Ebooks for you.

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Webinar Dates & Recordings by Sascha

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Upcoming Contributions by Sascha

Find future conference dates here.

(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
Angular Days Herbst 2024  | 
21.10.2024   -  
24.10.2024 @  
(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
BASTA! Herbst 2024  | 
16.09.2024   -  
20.09.2024 @  
Mainz (
Angular, UX/UI, Animationen
(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
DWX 2024  | 
01.07.2024   -  
05.07.2024 @  
Nürnberg (

Past Contribtuions by Sascha

Find past conference dates here.

(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024  | 
17.07.2024   -  
19.07.2024 @  
Berlin (
(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2024  | 
17.07.2024   -  
19.07.2024 @  
Berlin (
Angular, UX/UI, Animationen
Talk (Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
Magdeburger Developer Days 2024  | 
13.05.2024   -  
15.05.2024 @  
Magdeburg (
Angular, UX/UI, Animationen
(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
enterJS 2024  | 
07.05.2024   -  
08.05.2024 @  
Mainz (
Angular, UX/UI, Animationen
Workshop 4h (Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
Angular Days Frühjahr 2024  | 
18.03.2024   -  
21.03.2024 @  
München (
(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
c't webdev  | 
14.11.2023   -  
16.11.2023 @  
Köln (
(Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
Angular Days Herbst 2023  | 
16.10.2023   -  
19.10.2023 @  
Berlin (
Talk (Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
Magdeburger Developer Days 2023  | 
08.05.2023   -  
10.05.2023 @  
Magdeburg (
Angular, UX/UI
Talk (Deutsch) | Sascha Lehmann
Angular Days Frühjahr 2023  | 
20.03.2023   -  
23.03.2023 @  
München (
Workshop 8h (Deutsch) | Christian Liebel & Sascha Lehmann
Angular Days Frühjahr 2023  | 
20.03.2023   -  
23.03.2023 @  
München (

Acknowledgements & Publications