11.03.2021 |
- 10:30 AM (CET)
- Christian Liebel
Webinar: Angular Performance: Your App at the Speed of Light
What doesn't load in two seconds will never be accessed again: User expectations for web application performance are steadily increasing. After a web application loads, it needs to feel fast and fluid in order for the user to achieve their goal.
In his webinar on March 11th 2021, Christian Liebel uncovered Angular’s most important optimization options (Zone.js, Change Detection, and Service Workers) so that you can ignite the turbo for your Angular app!
Christian Liebel ist Consultant bei Thinktecture. Sein Fokus liegt auf Webstandards und Progressive Web Apps. Er vertritt Thinktecture beim W3C.
Gøran Homberg
Gøran Homberg ist Consultant bei Thinktecture und arbeitet mit unseren Kunden bzgl. deren Anforderungen, Projektansätzen und zugehörigem Projekt-Management.
- Run performance-critical code outside the NgZone.
- Protect components from too frequent queries with the OnPush strategy.
- Load only the code you need thanks to lazy loading
- Reduce loading times with the service worker
- Q&A
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