Hello, I am Pawel Gerr

As a software architect at Thinktecture AG, I focus on distributed application architectures using .NET (Core) and Entity Framework (Core) as well as web applications based on ASP.NET Core and Blazor WebAssembly.

In my daily business, I support our customers during the design, implementation, and performance optimization of modern software solutions.

Blog-Posts by Pawel

The latest insights straight from our Research Lab.

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Articles written by Pawel

In previous part we lerned how to pass parameters to a Source Generator. In this article we need this knowledge to pass futher parameters to implement logging.
In this article we will see how to pass configuration parameters to a Roslyn Source Generator to control the output or enable/disable features.
In this article we will see how to reduce the resource consumption of a Source Generator when running inside an IDE by redirecting the code generation to RegisterImplementationSourceOutput.
As a backend developer you have to implement some kind of periodically running background jobs from time to time. Most widely used tools I see are timers, tasks, semaphores, half dozens of booleans and enums to keep the state. Depending on the complexity of the code, understanding it can be quite adventurous. Alas, almost none of the developers I asked about reactive extensions (Rx.NET) know that they even exist.

Content Downloads by Pawel

We have summarized our knowledge in our specialist areas in Cheat Sheets, Whitepapers, and Ebooks for you.

Webinar Dates & Recordings by Pawel

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Upcoming Contributions by Pawel

Find future conference dates here.

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Past Contribtuions by Pawel

Find past conference dates here.

Entity Framework, Performance, .NET
Talk (Deutsch) | Pawel Gerr
.NET Developer Conference ’23  | 
27.11.2023   -  
01.12.2023 @  
Köln (
Entity Framework, .NET Core
Talk (Deutsch) | Pawel Gerr
IT-Tage 2019  | 
09.12.2019   -  
12.12.2019 @  
Frankfurt (
Entity Framework, .NET Core
Talk (Deutsch) | Pawel Gerr
.NET Developer Conference 2019  | 
25.11.2019   -  
29.11.2019 @  
ASP.NET Core, .NET Core, Architecture
Talk (Deutsch) | Pawel Gerr
HerbstCampus 2018  | 
04.09.2018   -  
06.09.2018 @  
Nürnberg (
ASP.NET Core, .NET Core, Architecture
Talk (Deutsch) | Pawel Gerr
.NET Day Franken 2018  | 
27.04.2018   -  
28.04.2018 @  
Nürnberg (

Acknowledgements & Publications